Transforming Your Business Space with Expert Spring Cleaning Services

Since it’s a new season, things need to start over, especially in business. Your office or business will feel better if it’s clean, and clients and employees will also think well of you. Your business can look and feel like it’s brand new after a professional clean from Brilliance Cleaning.

A Fresh Start for Your Office

Cleanup in the spring is more than just a chore; it’s a chance to start over, which can be good for your business. This process does more than just wipe down the surface; it also makes the workplace lively and positive. Professional cleaners make sure that every corner is cleaned by paying extra attention to places that aren’t usually cleaned during a full clean. Each business space has its own unique needs, and the method and cleaning services are also created to meet those needs. Putting this much thought and customisation into the space not only gives it new life, but it also makes the workplace more productive and friendly.

A healthier place to live

Since it’s spring now, you should make your workspace better for your health. It looks better and is better for everyone’s health when the place is clean. Using cleaning methods and products that are safe for the environment is the best way to keep things clean without taking health risks. To get rid of allergens, it’s better to do a deep spring clean. It’s better for everyone, and people may call in sick less often. This method lets you keep the office clean, keeps everyone healthy, and gets work done.

10 Ways To Identify A Reputable Commercial Storage Facility

For any business owner looking for a reputable commercial storage facility, if you have never used one before, it can be somewhat daunting not knowing how to start looking, or more specifically, how to judge whether one storage company or another suits your business’s requirements.

Thankfully, it is not as difficult a process as some might think. To make it even easier, we have outlined the ten most important points you should assess regarding any Melbourne storage units you are considering hiring.

#1 – Research the Company’s History: Research the storage unit company’s history and reputation in the industry. Consider the company’s reputation within and its impact on your local community. Look for how long they have been in business, any legal issues, and if they have any accolades or awards.

The Art of Professional Commercial Cleaning: Tips and Tricks

A clean environment is essential for any business. It creates a safe and healthy atmosphere for both your customers and employees; not only that, but it also helps to make a positive first impression. Hiring professional commercial cleaners is a great way to ensure a space is regularly and adequately cleaned. But there are a few tricks and tips to consider, from understanding the different types of cleaning services that are available, how to prepare your space for a deep clean, the best practices to maintain a clean room, as well as when to hire a professional to do it for you.

10 Effective Strategies To Guarantee The Success Of Your Email Marketing

Within digital marketing, some techniques and strategies come and go, often cast aside due to an update Google makes to its algorithm. One such tactic was article marketing which utilised sites like Ezine Articles. Despite many excellent articles being published, Google decided that links from the articles there should effectively be ignored.

However, many digital marketing strategies have been successful for many years, and if you ask digital marketing experts from a reputable digital agency, most will tell you that they will continue to be successful. Some examples include great web design, SEO, content marketing, and the one we are going to focus on here, email marketing.

We are not exaggerating when we say businesses worth tens of millions of dollars have been built almost solely as a result of email marketing. One of the appeals of email marketing is it is something anyone can do in the sense that everyone is capable of writing and sending an email.

However, it is also true that not everyone knows how to write and send an email that can market a product or service, build trust with subscribers, and ensure that their subscriber list looks forward to the next email.

How to Start Estate Planning When You’re Sick

Some of the most current research in Australia suggests that at least half of Australians don’t have a valid will. That means when they die without consulting financial planners and legal experts, their loved ones likely don’t know what their wishes are or how they would have wanted their assets to be divided.

Sometimes, it’s not until you become ill that you realise how important having an estate plan can be. By then, you may find yourself struggling to put a plan in place to help your loved ones. If you need a helping hand, some of the information below may be useful.

Make a Medical Treatment Plan

Making a medical treatment plan is one of the most important things to do when you find out you’re sick and begin estate planning. Discuss with your family what your wishes are, including the treatment you would want to have as you reach the end of your life.

Many people include explicit instructions in their medical treatment plans, such as a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order, not being tube-fed to be kept alive, and not being kept alive artificially on machines.

You may have mentioned this information in passing to a family member or two, but having it written down in a valid will and estate plan that you’ve put together with legal experts like financial planners can mean your wishes may be more likely to be followed.

Make Plans For Your Organs

Around 1,600 people are waiting for a life-saving organ in Australia, yet only around two per cent of people who die in Australian hospitals are eligible for organ donation. If there’s a chance that you might be, consider adding this information to your estate plan.

Why You Should Not Panic If Your Commercial Lift Gets Stuck

As humans, we all have specific fears and phobias. One person might be terrified of spiders, and the person standing next to them might have a tarantula as a pet. Conversely, the spider lover might be terrified of heights, whilst the person with arachnophobia is an avid rock climber who thinks nothing of scaling a 1,000-foot cliff. The point we are making is that to each of us the dangers we face are equal, and it is only in the mind that our fear levels of any one of them are set.

That can also be applied to our fears of having an accident whilst in a commercial lift, and for many, the two greatest fears whilst in a lift are either being trapped in it or the lift plummeting to the ground.

If we take the latter of these, we have to point out that the chances of commercial lift falling down its lift shaft is minuscule. The modern commercial lift has sophisticated braking systems, multiple cables and often lift servicing which mean even if there were to be a serious fault, everything concerning the safety of the lift is to designed to prevent it from falling.

5 Ways That Actuaries Impact Your Insurance Coverage And Premiums

There is a quote attributed to Benjamin Franklyn that states, “The only certainties in life are death and taxes”, but many would argue that, given its influence in all areas of our lives, insurance should be added too, and if so, then it brings into the limelight the role of actuarial services within the insurance industry.

If you are wondering what actuarial services are, they are rendered by professionals known as actuaries, and the role of an actuary is to use statistical and mathematical models to establish what the likelihood is of particular future events such as accidents, natural disasters, specific crimes like burglary, and deaths from specific illnesses, to name but a few.

What an actuary does within the insurance industry covers many tasks, but in the main, they help insurance companies to determine what the risks are relating to the coverage they provide versus the premiums they charge their customers and clients. Read on, and you will learn more about how an actuary influences many aspects of the insurance policies which you hold.

5 Digital Marketing Methods For Real Estate Companies

Deciding that you wish to use the internet to try to gain increasing numbers of prospects and clients for your real estate company is a positive step, but many business owners come to a grinding halt at this point as they are unsure what options they have and how they would benefit them. An experienced digital marketing agency could outline dozens of online marketing avenues, but they actually advise that it is more effective if you focus on just a few.

With that advice taken on board, we are going to outline five of the most popular and successful digital marketing methods, most of which we are sure you have heard of. We will also point out how you can use these to boost your real estate company’s online success, both in terms of generating new prospects and turning those prospects into clients for your real estate company.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Having your real estate company’s website rank at the top of Google can not only bring you plenty of kudos and brand recognition, but when it comes to the bread and butter issue of your business making profits, it can also generate lots of new prospective clients that can help achieve them.

SEO must be looked upon as a longer-term strategy, as there are very few shortcuts to ranking on Google, and given its complexity, it is usually advisable to employ a professional SEO agency to plan and facilitate your SEO.

5 Tips For Alleviating Your Financial Stress

When we used the term financial stress in the title, we were not just referring to having financial issues but also the type of stress that can diminish your health. Many financial problems can be resolved by seeking help from an experienced career counsellor or financial planner from places such as, to help you to manage your finances. An additional benefit of what they do is to also reduce the stress and anxiety you may be experiencing as a result of the aforementioned money worries.

Does it follow that the only way to reduce stress caused by your finances is to use financial planners? Well, the answer is no, but with caveats. First, from a purely medical perspective, if you are suffering from stress and anxiety and these are so severe to cause you additional health issues, then you must seek advice from your doctor. Financial planning may eliminate one of the contributors to your stress, but you may have others that contribute also.

The other caveat is that financial planners can do a lot to help you manage your finances, but before and after you have consulted with them, there are actions that you can take to help your finances and thus reduce the worry and anxiety you have, which are associated with them. Below we have highlighted five tips that should give you a positive start in reducing your financial stress.

How To Make Money As A Social Media Influencer

Digital marketing can be used in a multitude of ways to generate revenue, both for businesses and individuals. For businesses, they will likely use the services of a digital marketing agency to set up a digital marketing campaign that can include several tactics and strategies across several online channels such as Google Ads, SEO, social media, and YouTube, for example.

Whilst some businesses may be owned and run by one person, when it comes to how an individual can make money online via digital marketing, one way that has garnered much attention recently is becoming a social media influencer. Whilst extremely competitive, those who do manage to become identifiable on websites such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, can reach celebrity status and earn income as high as seven figures per year.

We must throw in a huge caveat that the number of people making over a million dollars from social influencing is low, however, many individuals do earn a lucrative living from it, so let us examine what is required to become a social influencer and how to subsequently make money.

3 Highly Effective Office Carpet Cleaning Methods That The Professionals Use

One of the most effective ways of caring for the carpets in your office is to call upon the services of a professional commercial cleaners. These highly skilled and experienced carpet cleaners can clean carpets of all types to the very highest standards which prolongs the life of the carpets they clean, meaning their customers need not spend as much or as frequently, replacing carpets.

If you have ever wondered how professional carpets do their work, it is hopefully clear that they do not simply turn up and vacuum. What they are more likely to do is to employ one of the core cleaning methods that only professional carpet cleaning companies use.

These carpet cleaning methods normally require special carpet cleaning equipment, specific detergents, and more impotently the skills, experience and professionalism of the people employed to clean your carpets to ensure that the work is done to the highest level. As for the specifics of the methods that professional carpet cleansers employ, here are three of the most commonly used.

5 Ways Of Ensuring You Hire The Best Office Removalists Company

An office relocation is a big step for any business and ensuring that it goes smoothly and to plan is essential if you are to start in your new business premises on a positive note. The last thing you want is a shambolic move meaning you and your employees settling into your new surroundings under the proverbial dark cloud. One of the surest ways to make the experience positive is employing the best possible Toorak removalists you can.

Office removalists are essentially what can make the difference between a disorganised, stressful, and costly office relocation and one which is planned, stress-free, and goes smoothly but to get to this point, there are several steps you must take beforehand. These are the steps required to research, evaluate, and then hire an office removalists company. Specifically, there are five steps we recommend, and these are outlined below.

Establish  Exactly What Your Needs Are First

It amazes us when we see business owners researching services that they think they require without actually evaluating what their needs are first. Surely the logical and sensible approach is to determine what their business needs, and then find a service that matches that.

7 Reasons Better Branding Can Boost Your Family Lawyers Business

Whilst branding might be an aspect of business that many people associate with large global companies, it is also something that all local businesses should be focussing on too, and that includes law firms. The scale of your branding activities might not be on the same level as the likes of Nike and Coca Cola, however, the benefits to your family lawyers business can be every bit as important to its success.

If you are still unsure as to what benefits might accrue from a marketing campaign that seeks to enhance your family lawyers business’s branding, continue reading and you will soon discover seven of them, all of which can boost it in both the short and long term.

Promotes Your Business As A Premium Option: When faced with the need to find a family lawyer, potential clients will want the reassurance that they are being represented by the best possible legal team. With effective branding, your family lawyers business can be projected as one of the elite legal teams in your area, which means those looking for a top family lawyer will seek to retain your services.

What information do you need to value a business for sale?

There are many different methods of valuing a business. Some investors use discounted cash flow, others use a multiple of earnings, some look at appraised assets. If you are in the same business as the business for sale that you are looking to acquire, what synergies exist between the two companies?

The amount of savings that can be generated needs to be factored into the purchase price. If you are looking to acquire a competitor who keeps low balling the prices, if you were to acquire them, that gets rid of a competitor which will result in higher prices, you need to factor that into the amount that you will offer for the business for sale.

Here is a list of items which you should have when doing your valuation

  • three years financial statements prepared by an external accountant. If the accountant has a designation, ie. CA, CGA, CPA, the accountant may have issued an opinion, a Notice to Reader, Review Engagement or Audit. Please read the opinion to determine how much reliance on the financial statements, if any, that you should make.
  • internal financial statements from the last year end up to current normalize income for the last three years. Normalized income starts with the net income reported for tax purposes and removes all personal and non reoccuring expenses which would not exist under the new owner.

How To Hide Stains In Your Office Carpet Until The Pros Can Remove Them

Ok, it is confession time. We are going to teach you how to cheat. Now, far from this meaning that we have fallen from grace and gone over to the dark side, instead, it will mean that you can keep your business premises looking great for as long as possible. Specifically what we are going to do is teach you how to hide or reduce stains in your office carpets, until you can hire professional carpet cleaners to get rid of them for you properly.

You might be thinking, “Why don’t I just call the pros in today?”, and we would answer that by telling you to go for it. However, commercial carpet cleaning is a highly popular service, so there is the likelihood that you may have to wait a few days before they can confirm an appointment. Meanwhile, your carpets remain dirty or stained which is hardly the image you want to project to prospective clients and other visitors to your business premises.

So, whilst you are waiting patiently for your professional commercial carpet cleaners to work their magic, here are some ways in which you can hide the offending areas of your dirty carpets from view, or minimise the effect of the stains which exist.

Fire Safety Tips for Businesses

As a business owner, you’ve likely got enough to worry about in your daily operations without needing to give any spare time to fire protection. However, as inconvenient as it might be to dedicate time to something that probably won’t happen, it’s essential to be prepared.

Not only can it be a legal requirement, but it could also save lives. Here are some fire safety tips from fire services that could be important while you’re putting your workplace fire safety plan into action.

Have An Evacuation Plan

Most people know that they should leave the building immediately if they see, hear, or smell fire. However, how they leave the building and what they should do next isn’t always clear. It can be if you put an evacuation plan into place and train your staff on what’s involved in it.

How Facebook Can Help You Grow Your Commercial Legal Practice

When it comes to promoting your commercial legal practice online, you have no shortage of options to choose from in terms of how you do so. This is why many law firms and lawyers have turned to digital marketing specialists for help and advice with regards to choosing which digital marketing channels they should be focussing their efforts on.

One of those channels is social media, but even here there are so many social media websites, your head is likely to start spinning as you try to fathom them all out and pick which ones you are going to try. One social media channel which you should certainly consider is Facebook, and although it occasionally gets bad press from some quarters, there is no denying that it can be a huge source of new prospects for any business, including those in the legal sector.

Now you might be thinking that Facebook is simply there for people to post humorous photographs and keep in touch with friends and family, whether they live in the next street or on the other side of the world. Well, you would correct in the sense that they are functions that Facebook fulfills, but when it comes to promoting a business, it also has much to offer within the realm of marketing that business online.

Five reasons you shouldn’t design your own website

In the modern world, there are countless website builders and other platforms that target beginners who want to create their own new website. The main draw of these tools is that they require little to no technical experience to use, they don’t require any coding knowledge, and they are affordable and enable rapid site creation.

However, it’s not always a good idea to create your own site. Just because a platform advertises that you can “get online in minutes” doesn’t mean you really will be able to. And even if you can get online fast, there’s every chance that you will make mistakes and run into problems down the track.

Need more convincing? Here are five reasons why you should engage an experienced Perth website designer and never try to design your own website.

  1. It Takes Time

Despite the platforms advertising rapid website creation, the reality is that you can expect to spend at least a few days creating anything more than the most basic site. This is because web design isn’t as easy as it may appear, and there’s a lot more to it than you might realise. Employing an experienced web designer will save you time, enabling you to focus on the things you’re actually good at.

4 Ways Landscape Designers Can Increase Your Home’s Value

There are many reasons why you might employ a landscape architect to redesign and create a completely new garden for you at your property. It could be you have moved into a new house, and you want to change it to your personal preferences. Maybe your current garden is sadly lacking and needs a new lease of life. You may also have discovered landscaping recently and until now were not aware of its potential to transform your garden.

There is one other reason that might be applicable, and it is one that many homeowners often do not think of when focussing on changing their garden’s layout, albeit for some others this is the primary incentive to transform their garden. That reason is increasing the value of their property. The former group we mentioned see this as a bonus but are more focussed on other reasons. The latter is fully aware of it, and see the work of their landscape architect as an investment.

4 Landscape Design Features That Offer A Huge Return On Investment

Landscape architects and designers create awesome gardens and outdoor living areas for their clients, but the reason they were employed in the first place can differ from client to client. Some will have moved into a new home and need their garden totally revamped. Others will have grown tired of their current garden or its layout and want to give it a completely new look. And finally, there will be some clients who want a landscape design as means of investing.

Some of you might be thinking is stocks, shares and bonds are for investing in, and that is true. However, do not underestimate the ability of a garden that has been planned and created by professional landscape designers, such as Landscaping Sydney, to provide the client who has paid for it, a hefty profit.  Money might not grow on trees, but it can certainly be created by them, and other garden plants and features if they are of sufficient beauty and quality.

If you are still unsure as to how a landscape architect can join the ranks of investment bankers and brokers by giving you a possibility of gaining a return on what you invest in your garden, then here are some specific examples of landscape design features that prove it.